
National selection of State universities is an acronym for SNMPTN. It is one of the admission lines of new students at PTN (State College) in addition to the joint selection system of public universities (SBMPTN) and self selection held in the Republic of Indonesia.

SNMPTN is a search selection of academic achievement of prospective students conducted by each PTN under the coordination of the Central Committee.SNMPTN is carried out by the entire State University (PTN) in an integrated and concurrent system nationwide.

The cost of the SNMPTN implementation is borne by the Government so that participants are free. Participants from families are economically incapable and admitted to the PTN have the opportunity to get tuition assistance during the study period through the Bidikmisi scholarship Program.

Information about PDSS charging procedures can be downloaded at official page, while the complete information about SNMPTN including registration procedures, implementation schedule, and the number of PTN and study Program options can be downloaded Official website

This information is expected to be beneficial for schools and prospective participants to follow the SNMPTN 2018.Admission of new students must fulfill the principle of fair, accountable, transparent, and not discriminatory by not distinguishing the gender, religion, ethnicity, race, social standing, and economic ability level of prospective students and still pay attention to the potential Prospective students and college specificity.

Colleges as an educational organizer, after secondary education, receive prospective students who are highly academic and predicted to successfully complete college studies on time. Students who are high achievers and consistently demonstrate their achievements in high school/SMK/MA deserve the opportunity to become a prospective student through SNMPTN.

In the framework of integration of secondary education with higher education, schools are given a role in the selection process of SNMPTN assuming that schools as a unit of education and teachers as educators always uphold honor and honesty as The principle of character education.

Therefore, the school is obliged to fill the school and Student Database (PDSS) with complete and correct and encourage and support students in the registration process. PDSS is a database that contains the track record of school performance and academic achievement of students as the main source of SNMPTN data.One of the objectives of SNMPTN is to provide opportunities for high school students (SMA), Vocational High School (SMK), Madrasah Aliyah (MA), or equal in and outside the country (School of the Republic of Indonesia/SRI) who have superior achievement Higher education at the State College (PTN).

Provide opportunities to PTN to get new prospective students who have high academic achievement.General ProvisionsSNMPTN conducted based on the search results of academic achievement by using Semester 1 (one) to 5 semester (five) for high school/SMK/MA or equivalent with 3 (three) years of study or semester 1 (one) up to semester 7 (seven) For SMK with 4 (four) years of study, as well as academic portfolios.Schools whose students follow the SNMPTN must have a national school principal number (NPSN) and fill out student achievement data at PDSS.Students who have the right to take the selection are students who have the national Student principal number (NISN), have superior achievements, and track record of academic achievement at PDSS.Students who will register for SNMPTN must read the information on the selected PTN page about the provisions relating to the acceptance of new students in the PTN.Official website and address of Center Committee.

Official information of SNMPTN 2020 can be downloaded through the page. Official information can be accessed via, and call center 08041 450 450.

Official information can also be obtained at the nearest public relations office.Address of Central Committee:Dr. Prakosa Building (2nd FL)University headquarters at eleven MarchJl. Ir. Sutami No 36A, Kentingan Surakarta 57126Phone. 0271-7890329, Fax. 0271-636268Email:

OtherApplicants from families are unable to apply for a Bidikmisi education cost assistance through the

Changes in the terms relating to the implementation of the SNMPTN year 2018 will be informed through the page.


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