Joint selection of public universities is an acronym for SBMPTN. This system is one of the admissions lines of the College of Public Universities (PTN) beside the admission System of National University Admission (SNMPTN) and self selection which also held in the Republic of Indonesia Other than the SNMPTN system.
Selection is held based on the results of the printed-based writing exam (UTBC) or computer-based writing test (UTBK) or a combination of writing exam results and the skills exam of the student candidate, conducted jointly under the coordination of the Central Committee.The financing of SBMPTN is charged to selection participants and the Ministry of Research, Technology and higher education.
SBMPTN participants from economically incapacitated families and have high academic achievement can apply for the cost of education costs of Bidikmisi.
These SBMPTN information include general terms and conditions, procedures for payment of the selection fee, procedure of registration, schedule of conduct, and number of options of PTN and course. In detail, more information about SBMPTN 2019 can be found on the page.
The selection with the acceptance of new students in the PTN environment through writing exams has shown various advantages and benefits, both for participants, PTN, and for national interests. For the participants, the benefits of joint selection are more efficient, inexpensive, and flexible with cross-region mechanisms.
SBMPTN is a new admissions selection through writing exams or a combination of writing exam results and exam skills. The implementation of SBMPTN in 2018 consists of print-based writing exam (UTBC) and computer-based writing test (UTBK) that can be followed by students from 2017, 2018, and 2019 from secondary education (SMA/MA/SMK) and equivalent, and graduates C year package 2017, 2018, and 2019. In this year, the Central Committee will improve the services of UTBK participants.A written exam consisting of UTBC and UTBK using exam questions designed according to the academic rules of test development.
SBMPTN writing exams are designed to measure basic capabilities that can predict the success of prospective students in all courses, i.e. higher order thinking, which includes academic potential, mastery of the field of study Science and Technology (Saintek), as well as social and humanities (Soshum) fields. In addition to following UTBC or UTBK, participants who choose the course of art and/or sportsmanship are required to take the skills Exam (UK).
One of the goals of SBMPTN is to select prospective students who are predicted to finish their studies in college well and timely. It also gives prospective students the opportunity to select more than one cross-region PTN.
General Provisions
SBMPTN is a selection conducted by the PTN in the Ministry of Research, Technology, and higher Education (KEMENRISTEKDIKTI) and the Ministry of Religion jointly under the coordination of the Central Committee with the selection based on the results of UTBC or UTBK, or A combination of write exam results and/or skill exams.
Official website and address of Center Committee
Official information SBMPTN 2018 can be accessed through the page Official information can be accessed via, and call center 0804 1 456 456. Address of SBMPTN Central Committee 2018:Dr. Prakosa Building (2nd FL)University headquarters at eleven MarchJl. Ir. Sutami No 36A, Kentingan Surakarta 57126Phone. 0271-7890329, Fax. 0271-636268Email:
Selection is held based on the results of the printed-based writing exam (UTBC) or computer-based writing test (UTBK) or a combination of writing exam results and the skills exam of the student candidate, conducted jointly under the coordination of the Central Committee.The financing of SBMPTN is charged to selection participants and the Ministry of Research, Technology and higher education.
SBMPTN participants from economically incapacitated families and have high academic achievement can apply for the cost of education costs of Bidikmisi.
These SBMPTN information include general terms and conditions, procedures for payment of the selection fee, procedure of registration, schedule of conduct, and number of options of PTN and course. In detail, more information about SBMPTN 2019 can be found on the page.
The selection with the acceptance of new students in the PTN environment through writing exams has shown various advantages and benefits, both for participants, PTN, and for national interests. For the participants, the benefits of joint selection are more efficient, inexpensive, and flexible with cross-region mechanisms.
SBMPTN is a new admissions selection through writing exams or a combination of writing exam results and exam skills. The implementation of SBMPTN in 2018 consists of print-based writing exam (UTBC) and computer-based writing test (UTBK) that can be followed by students from 2017, 2018, and 2019 from secondary education (SMA/MA/SMK) and equivalent, and graduates C year package 2017, 2018, and 2019. In this year, the Central Committee will improve the services of UTBK participants.A written exam consisting of UTBC and UTBK using exam questions designed according to the academic rules of test development.
SBMPTN writing exams are designed to measure basic capabilities that can predict the success of prospective students in all courses, i.e. higher order thinking, which includes academic potential, mastery of the field of study Science and Technology (Saintek), as well as social and humanities (Soshum) fields. In addition to following UTBC or UTBK, participants who choose the course of art and/or sportsmanship are required to take the skills Exam (UK).
One of the goals of SBMPTN is to select prospective students who are predicted to finish their studies in college well and timely. It also gives prospective students the opportunity to select more than one cross-region PTN.
General Provisions
SBMPTN is a selection conducted by the PTN in the Ministry of Research, Technology, and higher Education (KEMENRISTEKDIKTI) and the Ministry of Religion jointly under the coordination of the Central Committee with the selection based on the results of UTBC or UTBK, or A combination of write exam results and/or skill exams.
Official website and address of Center Committee
Official information SBMPTN 2018 can be accessed through the page Official information can be accessed via, and call center 0804 1 456 456. Address of SBMPTN Central Committee 2018:Dr. Prakosa Building (2nd FL)University headquarters at eleven MarchJl. Ir. Sutami No 36A, Kentingan Surakarta 57126Phone. 0271-7890329, Fax. 0271-636268Email: